Preparation and Application

Preparing your high-quality limewash paint:

  • Limewash paint is a non-toxic type of paint that usually contains no synthetic compounds. It is known to absorb and remove carbon dioxide from any room where it is applied, leading to improved air quality.
  • To use this paint in your home is easy, as you can use your limewash paint directly on surfaces that are painted with matte or semi-matte water-based paint. However, for glossy or semigloss finishes, use a primer before you apply your limewash paint.
  • Also, take special care that the surface that you are about to paint doesn’t have any particles such as dust and debris, as this could prohibit the paint from setting properly and cause uneven areas.
  • When you are ready to begin, mix 1 kg of limewash powder with 1.5 L of water to prepare the paint in a suitable container.
  • Ensure that you mix your paint evenly by stirring well from time to time to prevent the pigments from sinking to the bottom of your container.


Applying your paint:

  • Using upwards and downwards strokes, begin from the top comer of the wall down to the floor, taking care to not go over the skirting or messing on floor planks or floor tiles. If possible, use tape or any other material to cover areas that should not be painted over. You can also use x-stokes or multi-directional strokes starting from the comer top of the wall down to the floor. Do not use a roller though, only use a paintbrush suited for painting with limewash paint.
  • Apply at least 2 layers of lime paint to get the best results.
  • Paint your wall’s first coat in one session to prevent overlapping and edges to dry out. Do not try to fix spots on areas once you have painted, as this could result in a patchy looking result.
  • Once you have let the first coat dry for 1 to 2 hours to dry(depending on the humidity), you can apply the second coat.
  • After your second coat, let your wall dry for at least 72 hours and avoid any contact with water.
  • Keep in mind that lime paint normally dries in a few hours, but it takes a few days to fully harden.


A word of caution:

  • Be prepared: No two walls will look the same when painted with limewash paint.
  • The technique that a person applies with their limewash paint will determine how their unique results will look.
  • Stay consistent. You need to gradually and constantly mix your paint to prevent pigments to sink to the bottom of your paint container or hardening. Be careful to not overmix your paint, as intense mixing will darken the shade of your paint. Also, excessively brushing the paint onto your wall could darken the shade.
  • Your final wall colour will depend on how the paint is absorbed.
  • The lighter the shade of your paint, the less contrast and effects your walls will have, compared with medium or darker colours that will have more variation.
  • Remember to consider your home’s lighting too: it will impact how your newly painted walls will be displayed.


Our Asvesti paint comes in powder form, packed in 1 kg and 500 g bags.

We also include a 200 ml adhesive for 1 kg Asvesti limewash paint and 100 ml adhesive for 500 g paint.

In powder form, our Asvesti limewash paint has 1 year of shelf life when unopened, but once mixed with water, it will need to be mixed consistently, otherwise it will harden. 

If mixed with water, Asvesti paint will need to be stirred well. Remember, it is good to stir (perhaps more intensively) your paint in its bucket from time to time during the whole painting process


Our Asvesti limewash paint is eco-friendly, VOC-free, and won’t harm the environment. VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) relates to those solvents in paint which evaporate and affect the climate. VOCs are carbon-based chemical compounds found in conventional paints. VOCs evaporate into the atmosphere and are hazardous to human health, animals, and the environment, and contribute to global warming.



As limewash paint is mildly corrosive until dry, take the necessary precautions. Keep children and pets away from drying surfaces at all times. 

When opening your bag of limewash paint, pour the contents carefully. Avoid breathing in the dust and contact with your eyes and skin. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear a suitable dust mask. We always recommend using proper protective gear (gloves, goggles and a mask) and that you ensure that there is proper ventilation.



Asvesti limewash paint hardens when it has contact with air, and it takes about 1-2 hours for it to be touch dry, and about 72 hours for the water to evaporate. Your painted surfaces can take up to a few weeks or even a few months to fully harden, all depending on the humidity of the room where you applied your paint.

It is very important that no water comes in contact with your Asvesti limewash paint surfaces in the first 72 hours after applying, as the water will then leave white spots on these surfaces.

Asvesti limewash paint looks much darker when still wet, but as the paint dries, you will find that the paint will become much lighter and will dry to the desired finish.

When the paint is new and fresh on your wall, and has not fully hardened, it can rub off on your clothes, especially the darkest colours, the lighter colours are less prone to rubbing off. So, take care that you do not brush against freshly painted walls with your clothing.


Asvesti limewash paint surfaces cannot be cleaned using soap and water. However, you can clean dust using a damp cloth, but do it gently and do not rub the painted areas. For serious damage, a fresh coat needs to be applied to the wall. For smaller stains or spots, you can try applying the same colour to the area with a small brush; then, once dried, rub gently using your fingers or fine sandpaper on the edges of the new paint in order to get it to blend in. 

For oil/grease stains, clean your walls using water, and you can also try to remove the stains and spills using sandpaper; then, apply primer on the spot before you paint with your Asvesti limewash paint again to stop the oil/grease from leaking through the new layer.